Wednesday 2 November 2011

20th London MCM Expo, October 2011

I decided to go to MCM Expo for the whole weekend (including Friday) as firstly I was free and secondly it was the 20th ever MCM so I thought that it was kind of special. Plus I have enough cosplay costumes and Lolita clothes to wear one for each day J.
I wore Lolita on Friday as it is more toned down than my cosplays (that’s saying something XD) and my friend Jess who I was travelling with was also in Sweet Lolita. I got a chance to wear my Baby, The Stars Shine Bright dress, blouse and bow that I won, my Bodyline shoes and socks and my Chocomint accessories. We got our pictures taken by women and children alike – and that was just on the train to London Waterloo ;) One boy asked if we were tooth fairies!

With only a few strange looks we arrived at the Excel Centre only to be greeted by a multitude of aspiring models and fashion fanatics who were more than a little confused to see cosplays descend on the same venue as the Britain And Ireland’s Next Top Model 2011 Event they were going to. I decided to go all out and strut confidently in my heels as I felt brilliant in my outfit, and waited with my friend Scarlett (whom you may remember from my first Blog post at Hyper Japan whose next event will be in February 2012). The waiting time flew by and soon we were in :D


I bought most of the stuff I wanted on Friday so I wouldn’t have to carry around and hastily pack on the next few days when I was cosplaying. I just love Expo – all of the latest manga releases, loads of cute products and accessories and amazing offers all in one place! We even got to have a free signing session with voice actor, Vic Mignogna (whose name I still pronounce “Mig-nog-nah” XD) who was ever so nice and had time for all of his fans; chatting, pictures and signing everything from flyers to books and wall scrolls and who said I looked beautiful! I also saw Beckii Cruel (a girl who got famous in Japan after posting videos of her dancing to Japanese music on YouTube). Loads of pictures were taken and I had a fantastic day! :D

Not a flattering picture of either of us, I know.

I stayed at the hotel Ibis which was right next to the patch of grass at the front of the venue. Not only was it cheap when shared between several of us but I could literally roll out of bed and straight in.
I met several people who I had seen in Teen Queen (many were for the fashion expo, but Dorothy and her brother were for MCM). I must admit, I felt absolutely fabulous in my Seth Nightroad (Trinity Blood) outfit and had spent a while in the hotel room making sure everything from the wig to make up looked as good as it could.

I crave attention, so having my picture taken (even by Brow Threaders from the con next door) was fantastic. I had my picture taken by Neo for a Cosplay Idol competition (you win a spot in their calendar, a goody bag etc) and it was used in their display! My friend Liz was dressed as a maid and Jess was Macne Nana from Vocaloid and we had a lot of fun looking around the venue. We even staged a flash mob to Baka Baka on the grass (for which I had to strip most of my costume off as it was heavy and kept on getting blown about by the wind).

I watched many cool panels and performances and got a free goody bag! I was even stopped by Vic Mignogna who said Iooked beautiful in my costume (again). I know he probably says it to everyone but it made me really happy. The next time I met Beckii Cruel after walking past the Totally Cosplay stage. Her parents were frantically filming her performance and distributing promotional cards.

A piece of great news is that England came 1st in the Euro Cosplay Finals! Also in the top three was a Trinity Blood cosplayer, so I was very happy indeed J. After a pub dinner, some went to the party being held in Novotel, but I spent my evening making a piece of my costume which I forgot at home, watching TV and reading manga <3

Sunday meant the final day of Expo and my final costume – Holo from Spice And Wolf. Despite it being the last day, quite a lot happened; I danced so much with the Just Dance 3 mobile game unit outside (watching 40 people, most in cosplay dance to “This Is Halloween” is HILARIOUS!) that I broke my costume… twice T_T Luckily the emergency repair stand in the Totally Cosplay section was ready and waiting. I got a few stalkers (I suppose being Holo comes with disadvantages) but I was surprised at how little they affected me this time as I brushed them off. I also got mobbed by Planet Of The Apes cosplayers XD More like planet of the rapes!

I also won a free Ocarina by naming some of the songs in the Zelda game (which I fortunately just completed on 3DS). I would have won a key ring as well if I remembered “Minuet Of The Forest”. Drat. But I was content to provide noise pollution with my instrument XD
I helped Masa Kun, a talented violinist whom I met at the JAF sell his CDs by holding up signs and talking to potential buyers whilst he played. I have a feeling wearing ears and a tail helped. Another downside of cosplaying Holo (or Horo as some people prefer) is that when I was holding up a sign and doing and impressive sales pitch (we sold lots of CDs XD) people said it was a great idea to have a "Cat Girl" helping. One man called me a "fine fox". -_- The humanity.

With that signalled the end of Expo for another year.

But… my day was not over yet! After an incredibly quick change in the toilets I headed for The Bowery in New Oxford Street where I would be Compare for The Electricity Club’s first ever event – TEC001! It took a while to get there (I was exhausted and had a lemonade when I arrived) and was quite nervous at the start adlibbing to an unfamiliar audience in an unfamiliar place but I soon got really into it and enjoyed the limelight. I even met someone who wrote a song for Irashi! There were also funny Harry Potter inspired phrases written on the toilet walls :D

I came back exhausted but happy that I had one of the most amazing weekends of my life! There were some totally awesome cosplays and such fun and lovely people! It was great meeting up with everyone and I loved all the attention. (If I don't get famous I don't know what I'll do XD).

I'l see you all next time! <3 I'm already planning my next cosplay! :D

For more pictures and video clips look at my video on my Youtube account: finnythewise

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