Monday 16 July 2012

J-Pop GO!!!!!!

I haven't updated in AGES! Work has been keeping me pretty busy, as has practicing for all the events I've taken part in.

First up was LAC (London Anime Con) of which because their normal cosplay hosts were absent I was doing talks and performances - lots of fun! I was feeling pretty ill that morning but to bail seemed a bit unprofessional. First up was a panel called "Cosplay For Beginners". Having never done a panel before and being first up I was incredibly nervous, but it turns out I shouldn't have worried; loads more people turned up than expected and they were all really supportive. I even ran out of handouts XD

Then came Cinnamon Purin's Dance performance! It was super hot onstage and we were missing a member. Our set list was changed about 5 days before but I think we did a good job dancing to Mune Mune Kyun, RIVER (my solo dance), You Make Me Happy, Nee? (Jess' solo dance) and Koi No Fuga.
I think wearing maid outfits helped but people seemed to enjoy it! :)

After having a lay down in the green room and changing into my Gothic Lolita outfit (a replica of Vampire Requiem in red) I did a mini talk onstage about cosplay, manga and anime to fill time before the fashion show myself and Jess took part in which was a little hectic but pretty good. Afterwards I even did an interview about Lolita for someones Fashion Blog. She was ever so nice and I had a great day!

Photo credits to
I know I look scary but I was a bit ill.

More recently was J-Pop Go! Here I did my first ever public singing gig, doing the lead vocals in Japanese no less. I was terrfied the night before, frantically going over my words but before the show after I had changed into my costume (Shiro Lolita) I felt calm and excited! I had a lot of fun backstage with Perfume tribute band 'FUME' and their friends who were ever so lovely!

Marshmallow Llama Time (the band I performed in) were formed specifically for this event and hope to branch out into original songs soon, but I enjoyed the covers of Still Doll, Tsubasa Wo Kudasai, RIVER and Fuwa Fuwa Time that we did. Two girls from Japanese Maid Cafe London were the backing singers and we got along really well and had a lot of fun!